Welcome to Hinck Electrical Contractors.
Excellence in electrical construction since 1970
Since our start, over half century ago, Hinck Electric, a second generation family owned and operated company, has safely completed thousands of electrical installations throughout the New York metropolitan area.
Today we are a respected and proven performer in all aspects of municipal electrical construction and maintenance.
March 1, 2025: Hinck Electrical Contractors, Inc. celebrates it's 55th anniversary.
November 2023: LIRR Design Build Ocean Ave Substation (Electrical work by Hinck Electric) completed.
Featured in MTA Construction & Development Newsletter.
November 2022: Hinck Electrical Contractor a key subcontractor in the New York State Department of Transportation's (NYSDOT) $157 million resurfacing project for the Long Island Expressway (LIE).
October 2022: Hinck Electrical Contractor a key subcontractor in the New York State Department of Transportation's (NYSDOT) $71.4 million to reconstruct and modernize a key segment of State Route 347.
November 2020: It is with great sadness we announce the passing of co-founder John Buck on Nov 1st, 2020.
September 2020: INFORM Maintenance Contractor - Hinck Electrical Contractors.
Featured in LICA Newsletter Member Spotlight.
August 11, 2020: LIRR Design Build Meadowbrook Substation (Electrical work by Hinck Electric) completed.
Featured in MTA Construction & Development Newsletter.
March 1, 2020: Hinck Electrical Contractors, Inc. celebrates it's 50th anniversary.
July 25, 2017: Hinck-Posillico JV Featured in LICA (Long Island Contractors Association) Newsletter.
August 2016: Long Island firm builds a strong reputation Featured In: Construction in Focus Magazine.
October 2014: Town goes LED Featured In: Long Island Advance
November 8, 2011: LICA Honors Those Vets Who Have Defended America and Built Its Future
July 2011: Brookhaven, NY Makes Way for Emergency Vehicles.
January / February 2010: BNL's National Synchrotron Light Source II moves forward.